23 Ott
Airports in New York: my experience at JFK airport
Airports in New York: my experience at JFK airport
Category: aeroporto
The airports in New York are iconic, you can hear about them and see them in the majority of movies and tv series. Have you ever been in New York and experienced the NYC atmosph...
27 Set
Everything you need to know about Istanbul airport
Everything you need to know about Istanbul airport
Category: News
After talking about London, Paris, Amsterdam and other Italian airports it’s time to have a look at the fifth busiest airport in Europe which is the one in Istanbul. Istanbul ai...
31 Dic
Tens of thousands of airline passengers are starting the New Year a long way from where they hoped to be due to heavy fog in south-east England, which led to dozens of flight cancellations.
New Year’s flight delays due to UK airports fog
Category: News
New Year’s flight delays due to UK airports fog Tens of thousands of airline passengers are starting the New Year a long way from where they hoped to be due to heavy fog i...